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Great Design. Great Technology. Great Speed.

Zoko's pursuit of greatness.

A rundown of our latest feature releases, product enhancements, design updates, and important bug fixes - all in pursuit of realizing the best way to do business on WhatsApp!

March 29, 2024

✨ ZOKO v3.11.19 - ROI Calculation and Attribution Tracking for Shopify Orders

  • Introduced a new tab labelled "The Hub" in the dashboard, contains two pages:

Revenue Insights:

  • Offers ROI calculations with improved visualisation.
  • Includes dedicated graphs for each attribution type: Chat Sales (Agents), AI Assistants, Flows & Broadcasts
  • Filters available for weekly, monthly and yearly graphical representations.

Revenue Logs:

  • Displays individual order details, including attributions such as Chat sales, AI Assistants, Broadcasts and Flows.
  • Option to export revenue logs for further analysis.
February 14, 2024

✨ ZOKO v3.11.11 - Broadcasts Feature Upgraded!

🛺 What's NEW

Added the ability to stop ongoing broadcasts

The STOP button gives us a second chance to not ruin our campaigns in a click. Because our fingers are faster than our brains, allowing us to send "100% OFF" to all our customers and address our most valuable customer as Hey "first name"!

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Added a progress bar to see the progress of ongoing broadcasts

Allow users to determine if a broadcast is progressing or not. To ensure we don't prematurely celebrate sending 10,000 "You're a winner!" WhatsApp messages. Avoids having to wait 10 minutes only to find out we've only sent two!

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Added the ability to save broadcasts as drafts

The "Save as Draft" in Zoko is like having a magical closet where you can shove your half-baked broadcast ideas until they're ready to see the daylight or you remember to actually finish them. It's the digital equivalent of "I'll think about it tomorrow" for your broadcasts!

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Added a feature to automatically check and remove duplicates from your broadcast lists.

Avoids turning your grand WhatsApp campaign into a relentless echo chamber where subscribers start questioning if deja vu is real. Plus saves your wallet from slimming down as if it's on a strict diet from paying for those extra, unintended messages!

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Added a feature to show you the estimated costs, country-wise, before sending out a broadcast.

Seeing an estimated cost, broken down by country, before launching a large WhatsApp marketing campaign is like checking your parachute before skydiving—it's not just about avoiding an awkward "Oops, wrong country!" but also saving your budget from free-falling without a parachute! Customers sometimes miss the country code when entering numbers and end up sending to folks in countries that they never intended to send to.

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Added the ability to reattempt broadcasts that failed due to insufficient credits

Users can now simply add sufficient credits and click the "Try Again" button. No need to re-create broadcast from scratch.

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Added the ability to clone broadcasts

Let's save you from the existential dread of starting from scratch, and because sometimes, just duplicating an old broadcast that worked is the highest form of creativity. With the new clone feature, we make it easy to repeat your best party trick, ensuring you get to encore with just a click!

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Changed broadcasts feature backend to make broadcasts 300% faster

A 10K broadcast with media (images or video) will be now sent in about 5 minutes!

Changed status messages to show broadcast hold and failure reasons more clearly.

Better status messages when broadcasts are held or failed; tell you exactly where you tripped when setting up a broadcast. Helps you learn the reasons why and get it right the next time.

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